Tungsten Automation / Kofax Power PDF Standard 5.1 ESD, Convert PDF to word/excel/PPT

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Tungsten Automation / Kofax Power PDF Standard 5.1 ESD, a complete, industry standard PDF solution built specifically for the business user. Create PDF files from virtually any PC application — or convert PDF files back into fully-form. Now with Dynamic Stamps and more.
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Kofax Power PDF Standard 5.1 ESD, Create PDF, Collaborate, Convert PDF to Word/Excel/PPT

Perpetual Licensing, No Subscription....

Kofax Power PDF Standard 5.1 ESD, an award-winning PDF editor designed to be easy to use, secure, and low cost. Enjoy a familiar, Office-style interface that gets you creating, converting and compiling your PDF documents in just minutes. With advanced functionality, powerful security, and redaction capabilities, Power PDF is built for individuals and businesses of all sizes.a complete, industry standard PDF solution built specifically for the business user.

Create PDF files from virtually any PC application — or convert PDF files back into fully-formatted, editable Microsoft® Word, Excel®, PowerPoint®, XPS, and Corel® WordPerfect® documents. A full array of security, annotation and editing tools enable you to edit directly within PDF files and to collaborate with others better and more securely than ever. It’s clear — Nuance Power PDF Standard 5.1 delivers Better PDF for Business. The only complete PDF solution designed specifically for the business user “You need the right tool for the job.”

NEW Kofax Power PDF 5.1 has new dynamic stamping features that can help streamline document review processes. These features include: 

  • Pre-fill data types: Stamps can automatically fill in dates, timestamps, signatures, annotations, and more.
  • Multiple lines of text: Stamps can include multiple lines of text.
  • Customizable backgrounds: Stamps can have customizable background images.
  • Text customization: The font and color of text in stamps can be adjusted.
  • Rotation and repositioning: Stamps can be rotated and repositioned.

A PDF Editor Without Monthly Fees

Home office users, students and small businesses trust Kofax Power PDF™ Standard to manage their PDF needs. It's packed with features, is easy to use and is available at an unbeatable price.

Powerful PDF functionality. Award winning simplicity.

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Create, edit and compile PDF files from almost any document or file type.
Effortless file conversion

Quick, accurate document conversion from Word and other formats and back again. Batch processing makes converting multiple files a breeze.

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Easily convert PDF files to other formats including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and more.

Collaboration made simple

Tools business teams need to annotate, mark up, secure and compress PDFs are built in, to make working as a group easier than ever.

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Work in an easy-to-use, Microsoft Office-style interface optimized for most devices.

With complete PDF functionality from Kofax Power PDF Standard 5.1 ESD, you’ll be able to eliminate time-consuming tasks that slow you down and cost you money. Thanks to best in class document conversion you can access valuable information trapped in a digital or scanned document. You can save even more time by converting static PDF forms into fillable PDF forms with FormTyper. You can also make quick edits to your PDF files on the fly without the need for authoring software. Conveniently share your documents by creating 100% industry-standard PDF files from virtually any PC application. And of course, protect your work from unwanted use with 256-bit encryption and password only access. Throw in cutting-edge features like document assembly, scan to PDF, and the ability to compare content between PDF and Word files and it’s clear — Power PDF Standard 5.1 delivers Better PDF for Business™

  1. 1.  Create PDFs from any document, web page, or directly from your scanner    
    2.  Merge multiple files into a single PDF    
    3.  Convert PDF to and from Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint    
    4.  Automatically convert a PDF file into a fillable PDF form    
    5.  Proofread and correct text after OCR conversion to searchable PDF    
    6.  Add secure encrypted passwords and permissions to PDF files    
    7.  Create and apply self-sign digital signatures    
    8.  Add, manage, view and navigate document digital signatures    
    9.  Inspect document to remove comments and private metadata    
    10  Native cloud integration with Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox, Box and Google Drive cloud storage    
Everything To Manage PDF Files at a Lower Cost
Why pay for an Adobe Acrobat subscription when you could own Power PDF forever?


System requirements –

 A computer with an Intel Pentium 5, higher, or equivalent processor.
- Supported operating systems: - Windows 11; Windows 10; 32-bit and 64-bit Editions.
 – 2 GB of memory (RAM), 3 GB recommended 
– 1.2 GB of free hard disk space for application files; additional space required for temporary installer files and for additional user interface languages. 
– Sound card is optionally required for using the functionality of the supplied text-to-speech Engine and a noise-cancelling headset microphone is needed for using the Dragon Notes feature.
– Web access needed for product registration, activation, product help, Dragon Notes and obtaining live updates for the program. 
– Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5. If it is not detected, it installs with the product.



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